Bob Byford The first steps towards progress have been made, after three weeks,really, for a leak this size, this would be considered swift action, who's kiddin who? I have yet to hear from but one person in the oil patch, that has a lot of knowledge about offshore rig operations, that is not influenced by the long arm of B.P., sorry folks, maybe one will show up.

Bob Byford ce/2010/05/gulf-oil-spill-federal-offici als-to-be-grilled-by-congress.html
Gulf oil spill: Interior secretary, other officials to be questioned by Congress | Greenspace | Los.
A week after grilling executives of the companies involved in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Congress this week turns its attention to the federal agency charged with overseeing offshore drilling. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is due to appear at...
The most recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has U.S. citizens and government officials crying out for alternative energy plans.

Bob Byford ce/2010/05/gulf-oil-spill-progress-on-le ak-containment-being-made-federal-offici als-say.html
Gulf oil spill: Progress on leak containment being made, federal officials say | Greenspace | Los An
Federal officials said Sunday that engineers have succeeded in vacuuming up some of the oil that has been leaking from the Deepwater Horizon's drilling well, the first progress in containing the BP spill since the Horizon exploded and sank last...
An oil spill off the southern U.S. coast could spread into the Atlantic, exposing gaps in international rules governing these accidents.

Bob Byford ce/2010/05/gulf-oil-spill-senators-disag ree-over-liability-limits.html
Senate leaders disagreed Sunday on how hard the government should press oil companies to pay for oil spills such as BP's well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico. Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York, the third-ranking Democrat in the...
Turning to National news, Good and bad news tonight from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.The good news...BP says it's plan to siphon oil from a blown out well is working extremely well.The bad...the ...
* U.S. official: BP refineries systematic safety problem * BP reports some success in capturing gushing oil By Steve Gorman GALLIANO, La., May 17 (Reuters) - Energy giant BP was making some progress

Bob Byford 052748704614204575245810666495600.html?m od=wsj_india_main
BP had its first breakthrough in the effort to stem the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, using robots to insert one end of a mile-long tube into a shattered oil pipe on the ocean floor. The goal is to siphon up some, if not most, of the crude gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.

Cindy Sienkiewicz Enough is enough!!!! Do we not have technology to fix this?

Sayer Ji Please sign the petition to end the use of toxic dispersants in the gulf. he-use-of-dispersants-in-the-gulf
Dispersants AMPLIFY the damage caused by the Oil Spill and create Air Quality Hazards for residents. (52 signatures on petition)
60 Minutes on CBS News: Extra: Oil Rig Survivor Part 1 - "I'm gonna die right here." Mike Williams was the chief electronics technician aboard the Deepwater Horizon. He was below deck in his office when the explosion occurred.
60 Minutes on CBS News: Extra: Oil Rig Survivor Part 2 - "As I got to the next door, it exploded." The Deepwater Horizon's chief electronics technician Mike Williams was trapped below deck as the rig exploded. All he wanted was to get topside.
60 Minutes on CBS News: Extra: Oil Rig Survivor Part 4 - "We are in bad trouble." Deepwater Horizon's chief electronics technician Mike Williams and a handful of other survivors are left behind during the chaotic evacuation.
60 Minutes on CBS News: Extra: Oil Rig Survivor Part 3 - "It's a raging inferno..." Once the Deepwater Horizon's chief electronics technician Mike Williams got topside, he started looking for other survivors.
60 Minutes on CBS News: Extra: Oil Rig Survivor Part 5 - "We're gonna burn up or we're gonna jump." With the most easily accessible lifeboats gone, Deepwater Horizon's chief electronics technician Mike Williams ended up having to jump from the burning rig.
60 Minutes on CBS News: Extra: Oil Rig Survivor Part 6 - "I must be dead." When Deepwater Horizon's chief electronics technician Mike Williams jumped in the water, his troubles were far from over.
60 Minutes on CBS News: Extra: Warning Signs - Albert Andry, Dustin King, Ryan Chaisson & Westley Bourg were fishing right next to the oil rig Deepwater Horizon as the blowout began. As a former oil rig worker, Bourg recognized the sounds of danger.
60 Minutes on CBS News: Extra: Capturing The Disaster - Albert Andry, Dustin King, Ryan Chaisson & Westley Bourg describe the explosions on the oil rig Deepwater Horizon. Chaisson began videotaping the scene almost as soon as the disaster began.
This crisis just sickens me and pisses me off. Everybody is in bed with everybody and it all comes down to the almighty buck. Grrr!!
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